The Significance of Earth in the Horoscope

The Significance of Earth in the Horoscope

In astrology, we use the planets of our solar system, for example, to interpret a birth chart. Each planet has its unique energy principle, which symbolically represents a specific aspect of our personality. Have you ever thought about whether the Earth might have its own energy that could also be expressed in a horoscope?


Traditionally, the Earth is considered to be at the center of the horoscope to illustrate that the planets orbit around it from a geocentric perspective, influencing life on Earth. If you momentarily change your perspective and look at Earth from the Sun's viewpoint, you would find it in the exact opposite sign of where the Sun is seen from Earth. If the Sun is in the sign of Libra at the moment, the Earth would be in its opposing sign, Aries.
To determine the energy quality of the Earth compared to its planetary neighbors in the solar system, one only needs to take an objective look around.
Earth, for example, is the only planet where life thrives (as far as we know). Through nature and all living beings, it continuously produces life from within itself. Earth is fertile and therefore very productive. Matter grows, blooms, and decays in abundance, beauty, and diversity that sometimes takes our breath away and makes us wonder where life gets its impulse.
  • Why does the heart beat?
  • Why does an embryo develop according to a plan?
  • Why do we, as living beings, continually follow this path laid out by Earth, finding our way in this ecosystem and surrendering to its growth?
It is as if the constant pulsating is the very energy of the Earth.
If you look at the 12 zodiac signs, you can surely find a connection to the spectacle of nature in each one. However, the sign of Taurus seems to have the closest connection to what we experience and where we are involved.
Taurus, rather than just being associated with money, is actually about growth and preservation. The sign has an intense connection to nature and the necessary senses for it. It is no coincidence that Taurus is one of the most sensual signs that can also enjoy sensual abundance and the gifts of nature. Ultimately, like the sign of Taurus, it is about the growth of matter on Earth. What is misleading is that Taurus is masculine while the processes and energy of the Earth are more feminine since it continuously gives birth from within itself.
If we replace the image of the bull with its feminine counterpart, the cow, we feel closer to the matter. Hardly any animal seems more peace-loving than the cow. People in almost all parts of this planet drink its milk and eat the products made from it. Like a mother, the cow provides and nourishes without resistance, just like the Earth itself, whether we find it ethically correct or not.
That is why, for me, the cow is THE animal of this planet, or astrologically speaking, Earth is the ruler of the sign Taurus.
If you want to include Earth in your horoscope, you can do it easily: draw a line from the Sun through the center of the horoscope to the opposite side. The sign you arrive at is the sign in which the Earth is in your horoscope.
Of course, it is important to consider that the Earth needs the Sun for anything to grow on it. One could also say that the Sun activates the growth potential inherent in the Earth.
Similarly, in the fertilization process between male and female, the seed is needed for the already existing egg cell to mature. That is why I personally like the following model so much:
  • Sun = Father
  • Earth = Mother
  • Moon = Child
On the one hand, the Moon, which was once formed from parts of the Earth, orbits the Earth like a child orbiting its mother. The Sun, as the Father, stands somewhat apart but provides the necessary light and warmth.
The sunlight is also reflected by the Moon onto the Earth, creating the rhythm of full moons and new moons. This is similar to a woman's cycle, which depends on the Moon and the Sun. In the horoscope, the opposing signs of the Sun and Earth often show how the parents positioned themselves in relation to the child. The Moon symbolizes the horoscope owner and shows how they positioned themselves in relation to their parents.
If the Moon is close to the Sun, it does not necessarily mean the person is emotionally closer to their father. However, there may be a greater interest in engaging with the father and comparing how the father has influenced them (Sun in the sign) and how they felt about it emotionally (Moon in the sign).
Take a look at your horoscope and find where the Earth is located. Ask yourself the following questions:
  • What does the sign in which the Earth is placed express about your mother?
  • How does the sign where the Sun is located describe your father?
  • What polarity exists between these opposing signs?
  • And where, in which sign, is the Moon located?
  • How might you have felt as a child in relation to both parents?
Is it closer to the Sun or the Earth?
Is it in a peaceful sign or more tense?
I wish you much joy in discovering your insights!
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